
In Your 20s

Now is the time to find out what makes you feel happy, healthy and strong.

These are guidelines only. Your doctor or nurse will personalize the timing of each test to meet your specific healthcare needs.

Are you up to date on your health screenings?

Take the quiz and find out!


General health

  • Full checkup — Including weight and height.
  • Sleep habits — Discuss at your annual exam.
  • Thyroid (TSH) test — Discuss with your doctor or nurse.
  • HIV screening — Get this test if you are at risk for HIV infection (unprotected sex, sexually transmitted disease, or used drugs with needles).

Heart health

  • Blood pressure test — At least every two years.
  • Baseline cholesterol panel — Total, LDL, HDL and triglycerides.


  • Blood glucose or A1c test — Get screened if you have sustained blood pressure greater than 135/80, take medicine for high blood pressure, or are at risk for developing diabetes.

Breast health

    • Breast self-exam — Become familiar with your breasts so you can identify any changes and discuss with your doctor or nurse.
    • Clinical breast exam — At least every three years.

Reproductive health

    • Pap test — At least every three years.
    • Pelvic exam — Yearly, beginning at age 21.
    • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests — Both partners should get tested for STIs, including HIV, before initiating sexual intercourse. Get a chlamydia test yearly until age 24 if sexually active. After age 25, get this test if you have new or multiple partners.

Mental health screening

  • Discuss with your doctor or nurse.

Eye and ear health

  • Comprehensive eye exam — Discuss with your doctor.
  • Hearing test — Every 10 years.

Skin health

  • Skin exam — Monthly self-exam of skin and moles and as part of a routine full checkup with your doctor or nurse.

Oral health

  • Dental cleaning and exam— Every 12- 24 months; discuss with your dentist.


  • Seasonal influenza vaccine — Yearly.
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis booster vaccine — Every 10 years.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine — Up to age 26, if your vaccine series is incomplete, discuss with your doctor or nurse
  • Meningococcal vaccine — Discuss with your doctor or nurse if you are a college student or military recruit.

Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Young women are at increased risk for rape and abuse in dating situations or friendship/ acquaintance relationships. Report any type of abuse to a healthcare provider.

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